Title: श्रीमंत दामोदर पंत Shrimant Damodar Pant (2004) starring Vijay Chavan, Bharat Jadhav, Kranti Redkar, Ragini Samant, Rajiv Sawant Director : Kedar Shinde Producer : Jyoti Mohan Joshi Shrimant Damodar Pant is a popular Marathi play that was written by Purushottam Darvhekar and first performed in the 1970s. The play is a historical drama that is set in the 18th century, during the reign of Peshwa Baji Rao I. It tells the story of a clever and witty Brahmin named Damodar Pant, who serves as a minister in the Peshwa's court. The play is known for its clever wordplay and use of satire to comment on the social and political issues of its time. It is also notable for its portrayal of Damodar Pant, who is a complex and multi-faceted character. He is both cunning and compassionate, and his interactions with other characters in the play provide a window into the complexities of life in the Peshwa's court. Over the years, Shrimant Damodar Pant has become a beloved classic of Marat...
Title: सुंदर मी होणार Writer: P.L.Deshpande, Director: Vijay Kenkare, Music: Ashok Patki. Artist: Dr. Shriram Lagoo, Dr. Girish Oak, Vandana Gupte, Ravi Patvardhan, Prashant Damle, Kavita Medhekar, Devi Deshmukh, Abhijit Kelkar, Nikhil Hazare, Premchand Waghmare. Introduction: Sundar Mi Honar is a popular Marathi natak that tells the story of a young woman's journey of self-discovery and love. The play, which has been performed across Maharashtra and other parts of India, is a beautiful portrayal of the complexities of modern relationships and the challenges of following one's heart. In this blog post, we'll dive into the plot and themes of Sundar Mi Honar and explore why it has captured the hearts of audiences across the Marathi-speaking world. Plot Summary: The story of Sundar Mi Honar revolves around the character of Sundari, a young and beautiful woman who is searching for her true identity and p...